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Annual Meeting
speaker Biographies
Judy Morgan (ESC Lab Sciences)
Earl Hess Lecture Series
- Handling Delicate Situations Ethically
Vice President and Chief Regulatory Officer for ESC Lab Sciences (ESC),
Judy’s 22-year ESC tenure includes the design and implementation
of company programs for quality assurance, green initiatives, safety,
ethics and confidentiality, and waste disposal/minimization. She directs
programs ensuring the accuracy and completeness of analytical laboratory
results, and the satisfaction of contractual and equipment specification
requirements. She initiates and oversees audits, including corrective
measures (when necessary), and oversees the regulatory technical staff.
Serving the environmental industry since 1986, Judy is a respected expert
witness on quality and regulatory matters with previous experience as an analyst in both
organic and inorganic methods. A two-time recipient of the prestigious Preston Millar Award
and graduate of Austin Peay State University with a BS in Chemistry, Judy received her MS in
Analytical Chemistry from Western Kentucky University with research completed at Vanderbilt
University. She also serves on the Board of Directors for ACIL, TNI and A2LA, is the former
Chairman of the EPA Federal Advisory Committee – Environmental Lab Advisory Board, and
serves as the current chair of ACIL’s Environmental Sciences Section.
Linda Schanz (Agilent Technologies)
Capitalizing on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Data
Linda Schanz currently serves as a product specialist for the Atomic
Spectroscopy Division with Agilent Technologies (formerly Hewlett Packard).
Her 29-year tenure with Agilent includes global market development with
focus on the food, environmental, forensic and energy markets. She has
extensive experience in sales and account development as well as customer
relationship management for large and small companies in both the public
and private sector.