Page 16 - ACIL 2013 Final Program

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Annual Meeting
speaker Biographies
Alfredo J. Molina (The Molina Group)
Prospering Through Relationship Building
Chairman of Phoenix-based The Molina Group, Alfredo J. Molina expanded
his corporate influence in 2007 with the purchase of 203-year-old Black,
Starr & Frost, further solidifying his success in America after arriving
in 1967 as an 8-year-old Cuban refugee. He attributes this success to
building and maintaining all sorts of business and personal relationships
throughout his career, and helping others, leading him to rise to the top of
his industry.
Coming from a long line of master jewelers dating back to seventeenth
century Italy, Alfredo learned the diamond and gemstone business from
his grandfather in Chicago, and started his own jewelry business in 1987, building it into one
of unparalleled reputation, offering the rarest gemstones and exclusive collections of one-of-a-
kind jewelry.
Considered one of a few experts in the world who can determine the country of origin of
gemstones, Alfredo was one of eight in the United States to receive the 2005 National Caring
Award and was inducted into the Hall of Fame for Caring Americans in Washington, DC. In 2011,
he was honored with the “Jewelers that Care” Award for his philanthropic work that included
funding the digging of wells to bring water to villages in South Africa.
Mr. Molina’s list of community affiliations includes the ASU Presidents Club, the Dean’s Council
100, University of Arizona’s Presidents Club, Arizona Baseball Charities, Teen Lifeline, Gabriels
Angels, The Boys & Girls Clubs, the Arizona Science Center and the Phoenix Art Museum. He
is a board member of the Orange County High School for the Arts and has been inducted as a
Pink Tie Guy with the Susan G. Komen Foundation of Orange County.